OUR Classification System.

Understanding our Side Hustle Classification System

When it comes to finding the right side hustle, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming. To assist you in making a decision, we have devised a six-point classification system that breaks down the most crucial factors you should consider before diving in.

Our Editor-in-Chief, Steven Hillman, a Chartered Accountant with over 20 years of experience assisting entrepreneurs, has developed this classification system to help you better understand your side hustle options.

six-point classification system

We focus on evaluating the following:

  1. Earning Potential
  2. Time to Start
  3. Set-Up Cost
  4. Location
  5. Time Commitment
  6. Skill Level

1. Earning Potential

Our Earning Potential classification provides a way for you to assess how much income you can expect from a side hustle.

  • Low: Limited earnings, often just above minimum wage
  • Medium: Moderate earnings, a useful supplement to your regular income
  • High: High earnings potential, could even exceed your main income

2. Time to start

The time required to get started is often crucial, especially if your goal is to make money quickly.

We classify start-up time as follows;

  • Quick: Can start straight away or within a few days
  • Moderate: Takes a few weeks to a couple of months to set up
  • Long: Requires several months or even longer to get started

3. Set-Up Cost 

Before committing to a side hustle understanding its start-up costs is vital.

  • Low: Minimal initial outlay needed
  • Medium: Some initial investment required, but not excessive
  • High: Significant initial outlay required

4. Location

Whether you prefer a side hustle you can do from home or something that gets you out and about, our location criterion can guide you;

  • Home-Based: Can be done entirely from home
  • Hybrid-Working: Involves a combination of home-based and on-site work
  • On-the-Road: Requires travel or changing locations frequently for work

5. Time Commitment

Measures the number of hours you'll need to dedicate each week, ranging from low for just a few hours, to high for what could be considered almost a second job.

  • Low: A few hours a week, very flexible
  • Moderate: A regular but manageable commitment each week
  • High: Requires a large time commitment, almost like a second job

6. Skill Level

Indicates the level of expertise required, from beginner for no specialised skills needed, to advanced for those requiring high levels of expertise or certifications.

  • Beginner: No specialised skills or experience required
  • Intermediate: Some specific skills or background needed
  • Advanced: Requires high levels of expertise, possibly with certifications or degrees

Using this six-point classification system, you can efficiently narrow down your options for a side hustle that aligns with your needs, skills and lifestyle.

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